Discover Sanliurfa: 6 Essential Stops for Every Traveler

Sanliurfa, at first glance, might seem like an unremarkable town in southeastern Turkey. However, once you’re there, the atmosphere immerses you in historical heritage, offering unforgettable experiences. On this page, we will embark on a virtual journey through Sanliurfa, where you will discover the most interesting places in the city and find answers to frequently asked questions.

About the City

Sanliurfa, also known as Urfa, is one of the most historically significant places not only in Turkey but worldwide. Locals call Urfa the city of faith or the Turkish “Mecca” since it is believed that five prophets, including Abraham, were born here. This is supported by ancient writings where the city is referred to as “Ur.”

City of Sanliurfa, Turkey
City of Sanliurfa, Turkey

Here, you’ll find the sacred lake Balıklı Göl, which, according to legend, was formed from a blazing fire. Every year, thousands of pilgrims—Jewish, Christian, and Muslim—visit Urfa and the lake, as it is believed that Abraham, the patriarch of all Abrahamic religions, originated here.

In the city, you can see ancient monuments from various eras, including the ruins of the ancient city of Edessa (Antioch), dating back to Hellenistic and Roman periods.

Modern Şanlıurfa is rich and diverse in cultural life. The city hosts museums, art galleries, and theaters that showcase both traditional and contemporary works. While many of these works and activities are religiously themed, there are other highlights too. For instance, Urfa is the birthplace of Armenian script, and the city has a dedicated exhibition.

Additionally, the local cuisine is a true delight for food enthusiasts. I discovered a new culinary side of Turkey here, where even familiar dishes are prepared uniquely.

Colorful wall art depicting local culture in Sanliurfa.
Sanliurfa Wall Art

Sanliurfa is not only about history and culture but also about picturesque nature and hospitable people. The unique blend of modern Turkish culture with various historical eras makes this city a jewel of Turkey, not to be missed when traveling to the Southeast.

What to Do in Sanliurfa

Coming to Şanlıurfa without a plan is a bad idea—you might miss out on the most important things. Therefore, I’ve prepared a list of the best places and activities that you must allocate time for.

1. Stroll Through the Streets of the Old City

Start your acquaintance with Şanlıurfa from the old city—here, you will dive into history and feel like you are in the Middle East many centuries ago. It’s amazing how the city has been preserved in such a state to this day. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was on the well-crafted set of a movie about the Ancient East.

It’s also interesting how the new part of the city, located north of the old one, is strikingly different. The northern part of Urfa resembles any other Turkish city, but the old city is especially colorful, having been built during different eras under various rulers. The streets near the castle are particularly fascinating—it’s literally a labyrinth created from the walls of ancient stone houses still in use today.

Discover Sanliurfa: 6 Essential Stops for Every Traveler

Unfortunately, the castle (Urfa Kalesi), which towers over the city, is currently under long-term renovation since late 2023 and is not accessible.

2. Visit Gölbaşı Park

Scenic overview of Golbasi Park with a view of historical landmarks.
Golbasi Park Overview

Gölbaşı Park is located at the foot of the castle and is the site of the sacred lake Balıklı Göl.

On a hot day, this park is an excellent refuge from the scorching sun thanks to its lush vegetation, and the small lake provides additional coolness. Locals boldly sit on the grass in the shade of the trees. The park offers simits, ayran, and sweets, so you can also grab a bite to eat here.

3. Visit the Cave Where Prophet Abraham Was Born

The cave where Prophet Abraham was born (Mevlid-i Halilulrahman Mağarası) is a must-see, even for non-religious people. This is where all Abrahamic religions, believed by the majority of the world’s population, began—Christians, Jews, and Muslims.

Cave Where Prophet Abraham Was Born

Locals believe that the water from the spring near the cave has healing properties, so they come here with small bottles to collect it. Additionally, locals try to pray inside the cave despite prohibitory signs, sometimes causing crowds.

Next to the cave is the grave of Said Nursi—a renowned Kurdish Islamic theologian and Quran commentator, revered worldwide.

4. Savor Local Dishes

It’s hard to imagine a better place in Urfa for breakfast, lunch, or dinner than Çardaklı Köşk Sıra Geceleri ve Restaurant. This historic restaurant offers delicious food, live music in the evenings, and a unique atmosphere.

Here, you won’t find traditional tables; all meals are served on the floor on special cushions. While it might seem uncomfortable at first, you can comfortably spend many hours this way.

In the evenings, there is live traditional music. You can enter without a reservation, but on Friday evenings or weekends, you might need to wait a bit. Prices are slightly above average, but it’s definitely worth it.

5. Visit Fırfırlı Cami Mosque

Spacious interior of Fırfırlı Cami Mosque featuring ornate decorations and architectural details.
Fırfırlı Cami Mosque Interior

Many know about the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, which was converted into a mosque. Şanlıurfa has a similar place—Fırfırlı Cami Mosque, which was a church until 1956. The unique combination of ancient domes and minarets makes this place a true magnet not only for religious people but also for lovers of interesting architecture.

6. Explore the Museums

Sanliurfa has over 10 operating museums, each worth visiting. I recommend at least visiting the following two:

Şanlıurfa Archaeology Museum – This museum features unique exhibits, some dating back to 10,000 BCE. Plan to spend at least 2 hours here as the museum is quite large.

Haleplibahçe Mosaic Museum – This museum showcases well-preserved mosaics from all over the Middle East. A 30-minute visit is sufficient as the museum is small.

If you visit Urfa with children, both places are a must-see—they are very educational, but they are also interesting to visit without children. The Archaeology Museum has an audio guide in English, but unfortunately, there isn’t one in Russian, so you have to read about the exhibits online.

Where to Stay in Sanliurfa

If you want to not only see historical sites but also live inside history, I recommend Babil Antique Hotel, located in the heart of the old city.

Despite its 3-star rating, this hotel is very comfortable with clean and spacious rooms in a historic stone building. For tourism purposes, you couldn’t find a better hotel as all the main attractions are within a 5-10 minute walk.

The hotel serves classic Turkish breakfasts with a variety of small dishes and different foods. There is also a tasty bakery and several cafes nearby.

Hotel location:

Frequently Asked Questions

I rarely meet people who have personally been to Sanliurfa, so I understand how difficult it is to plan a solo trip without guidance. That’s why I’ve compiled answers to frequently asked questions to make your trip as easy as possible.

Is Sanliurfa Safe?

The southeastern part of Turkey and its proximity to the Syrian border raise many rumors about Sanliurfa’s safety. But in reality, it is quite the opposite—the city is quiet, peaceful, and very calm, just like the rest of Turkey. Of course, as in other parts of the country, it is important to follow basic personal safety rules, but there are no additional risks in Sanliurfa.
Another myth about Sanliurfa is that due to its “religious Mecca” status, women need to cover their heads and dress differently—this is just a rumor. In the city, both tourists and local women often go without head coverings, and the rules here are no different from the rest of Turkey.

How Many Days to Spend in Sanliurfa?

I recommend setting aside at least 2 days for Sanliurfa. If you are short on time, stay in the city for at least one night, as it’s unlikely you’ll be able to feel the atmosphere and see the main attractions any faster.

How to Get There?

Sanliurfa has an airport—Şanlıurfa Gap Havalimanı, which has regular flights from Istanbul by several airlines. If you book tickets in advance, you can find deals for $60-70 one way. During the summer season, there are also flights from the Mediterranean coast, but they are irregular.

Another way to get to Sanliurfa is by bus. From Istanbul, the trip takes about 15-20 hours, which isn’t very comfortable. Buses are convenient if you are traveling from nearby cities, such as Gaziantep or Adana. It is also convenient to travel by bus when exploring all of southeastern Turkey, which I have shared about in this article.

You can buy bus tickets in advance through the Turkish site Obilet. For example, if you decide to travel from Istanbul by bus, you can find tickets for $25-40.

Example of Bus Tickets from Istanbul to Şanlıurfa
Example of Bus Tickets from Istanbul to Sanliurfa

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